Moderate Listings

Business Directory includes the ability to moderate listings before they are approved and displayed on the site. When “Moderate New Listings” is selected all new listings  must be approved before showing up in the directory listing.

The moderate listing screen also provides the following functionality:

  • Select one or more listings or select all in one mouse click.
  • Select  – View listing detail
  • Delete – Delete the listing
  • Sorting and filtering

Configuring Moderation Settings

To turn on moderation navigate to the admin menu in the Directory module and click on the Module Settings.
Select the Moderate New Listings option as depicted in the following screenshot:
Click to save your changes.

View Pending Listings

Navigate to the admin menu and then click moderate from the Directory Module's admin menu.
The following screen will be displayed:

Approving Listings

To approve listings the admin checks the “Approved” checkbox next to all the listings ready for approval and then clicks the “Save” button and the listing will become viewable in the live listings in the search and glossary modules.

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