Tax Tables

RazorCart provides the ability for you to charge tax in your store using a custom tax table lookup. To use tax tables, you will need to visit the .gov web site for your region and download the tax tables.

Tax Tables Setup

From the Admin Menu in your DNN portal, select RazorCart admin console:
You will be taken to the dashboard of your store. 
Select the Tax tab under Store setup on the left hand side.
Once you are in the tax settings, you will see the following screen:
Select "Tax Tables" from the radiobutton list.

Tax Tables

Click the "Tax Tables" tab.
Click the button to import a tax table.
Import the tax tables you would like to configure. You can download a tax table from your state's .gov website. You can download a sample file here. Please make sure the header fields in your CSV match the fields in the sample exactly. Find the file on your computer. 
You will see the tax rates defined.
You now have all of the tools you need to configure tax tables in your store! If you have any questions, please Contact Us.

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