Clean Installation

If the installation of Smith Business Directory was unsuccessful or your install has gotten out of sync and you would like to start fresh, a clean installation of the module may be necessary to ensure that the module and all of its components are properly installed.
To delete the old module and start with a clean installation, please follow these instructions:
  1. From the DNN > Host menu, uninstall all Smith modules (Make sure you check the delete files box when you uninstall)
  2. Confirm that all stored procs and tables with a prefix of "Smith" in your database are deleted
  3. Confirm that all Smith folders in /DesktopModules are deleted and the folder is removed
  4. Reset iis to release the cache
  5. Install the latest cart module
  6. Configure the Settings
  7. Test to check if module is working correctly
If you have SQL Mgmt Studio its pretty easy to delete all the tables and stored procs without a script.  Steps as follows:
  1. From the view menu in SQL Mgmt Studio select "Object Explorer Details"
  2. Select the "tables" folder
  3. All the Smith tables and sprocs have a prefix of "Smith" so if you click on the table name column heading it will sort all the Smith objects together.
  4. Scroll down to the first table with a prefix of "Smith" and click once on the table
  5. Scroll down to the last table with a prefix of "Smith" and "shift-click".  All the tables will now be highlighted.
  6. Press the delete key to delete all the tables
  7. Repeat steps above for the sprocs
You can also run the following SQL scripts to remove all smith tables and stored procedures, so you don't have to do it manually.

Remove all tables:
DECLARE @tempName VARCHAR(1000)
DECLARE @count VARCHAR(1000)
select @count = COUNT(*) from dbo.sysobjects where type = 'U' and name like 'smith%'
while @count > 0
Select @tempName = name from dbo.sysobjects where type = 'U' and name like 'smith%'
exec('drop table ' + @tempName)
set @count = @count - 1
Remove all Stored Procs
DECLARE @tempName VARCHAR(1000)
DECLARE @count VARCHAR(1000)
select @count = COUNT(*) from dbo.sysobjects where type = 'p' and name like 'smith%'
while @count > 0
Select @tempName = name from dbo.sysobjects where type = 'p' and name like 'smith%'
exec('drop procedure ' + @tempName)
set @count = @count - 1

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