The Stripe payment gateway for RazorCart lets you accept payments easily on your web site.  
The Stripe extension for RazorCart supports the following 2 Stripe integration methods:
  1. Direct (Merchant Hosted) - The user enters their credit card on a RazorCart checkout page you host.
  2. Stripe Checkout (Gateway Hosted) - During checkout a Stripe popup will be displayed where the user enters his credit card.
The first step is to download and install the RazorCart Stripe payment gateway extension

Get Stripe API Keys

The next step is to login to the Stripe website and get your API keys

Stripe Direct Setup

1.  Login to your site and go to the RazorCart admin console.
2.  Go to Store Setup - Payment Setup and setup a credit card payment method
3.  Select "StripeDirect" from the gateway dropdown list
4.  Enter your "Secret Key" you got from your Stripe account
5.  Click the "Save" button to save your changes

Stripe Checkout Setup

1.  Login to your site and go to the RazorCart admin console.
2.  Go to Store Setup - Payment Setup and setup a credit card payment method
3.  Select "StripeDirect" from the gateway dropdown list
4.  Enter your "Publishable Key" and "Secret Key" you got from your Stripe account
5.  Click the "Save" button to save your changes
After you have completed the Stripe payment gateway setup go to your store and test the checkout to make sure everything is working.

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