Shipping by Order Amount

Shipping by order amount allows you to configure the cart to charge shipping in the following ways:
  • Fixed shipping costs by the total order amount
  • Fixed shipping costs by shipping method and order amount
  • Fixed shipping costs by product category and order amount

Shipping Setup

From the Admin Menu in your DNN portal, select RazorCart admin console:
You will be taken to the dashboard of your store. 
Select the Shipping tab under Store setup on the left hand side.
Once you are in the shipping settings, you will see the following screen. Select "Shipping by Order Amount" from the radiobutton list.
Save your settings.

Configure the Order Amount

Navigate to the Order Amount tab at the top and click Add Ship Cost:
Fill in the Shipping Cost info with the order amounts.
Product Category - Select the category you defined in the category map screen above.
Ship Method - To configure fixed shipping costs by shipping method based on the total order amount select a shipping method from the dropdown list. If you want to configure a fixed shipping cost by the total order amount only select “No Ship Method”.
Order Total From - Enter the “Order Amount From” which defines the bottom of the order amount range the cart uses to calculate shipping for the order.
Order Total To - Enter the “Order Amount To” which defines the top of the order amount range the cart uses to calculate shipping for the order.
Shipping Cost - Amount to charge for the shipping for the order amount range entered. Enter a number value without the dollar sign.
Is International? - Check this box to indicate if shipping amount is for international orders. The cart checkout determines international orders by looking up the home country you configured in the store settings and any ship to country outside of your home country will be charged international shipping amounts.
Be sure to save your settings. 
You now have all of the tools you need to configure shipping in your store! If you have any questions, please Contact Us.

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