Product Level Shipping

RazorCart supports configuring shipping costs and methods at the product level.

Shipping Setup

From the Admin Menu in your DNN portal, select RazorCart admin console:
You will be taken to the dashboard of your store. 
Select the Shipping tab under Store setup on the left hand side.
Once you are in the shipping settings, you will see the following screen. Select "Product Level Shipping Costs" from the radiobutton list.
Save your settings.

Product Level Shipping Costs

Select the Inventory tab on the left hand side of the menu. Then, select products.
Then, find the product you would like to configure shipping for. Click on the Edit icon on the right hand side.
On the product setup screen, scroll down and expand the section titled Tax & Shipping Setup.
Shipping Cost - Enter the shipping cost you would like to charge for your product. When a shipping cost is entered for a product the cart will calculate the shipping cost based on the value entered for the product. If the user adds multiple products to their cart then the cart will sum the shipping cost for each product to determine the total shipping cost.
Be sure to save your settings. 
You now have all of the tools you need to configure the Product Level Shipping in your store! If you have any questions, please Contact Us.

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