The eWay payment gateway for RazorCart lets you accept payments using the following 2 eWay integrations:
  • Rapid API
  • Token Payments

Setup and Configuration

1.  Download and install the RazorCart eWay payment gateway extension
2. Login to your eWay account and get your API key and Password
3.  Go to Store Setup - Payment Setup and setup a credit card payment method
4.  Select either "eWayRapid" or "eWayTokenPayment" from the gateway dropdown list
  • eWayRapid - uses the Basic Direct Connection integration method
  • ewayTokenPayment - uses the Direct Connection with client side encryption and token payments.  Works like a wallet so you don't have to handle credit cards and requires a lower level of PCI compliance.
5.  Enter your "API Key" and "Password" you got from step 2 above
6.  Click the "Save" button to save your changes

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