The Business Directory module supports the ability to Add, Edit, and Delete Categories using the Manage Categories screen.

To manage, add, or edit Categories, navigate to the Signup module and select the Categories option from the Directory Admin Menu.

The next screen displayed will be the Manage Categories screen.

If Categories have been added, a gridview will be displayed that lists your Categories and will allow you to choose and configure the following Categories options:

  • Add Categories
  • Edit Categories
  • Delete Categories

The Manage Categories listing grid contains the following basic information about each Category in your store:

  • Category ID
  • Sort Order
  • Category Name

To add a new Category take the following steps:

  1. Navigate to Manage Categories

    The first step of adding a new Category is opening the Manage Categories page as described above.

  2. Configure Category Settings

    The next step to adding a new Category is adding the Category information.

    The following settings are available to be configured for Categories:

    Sort Order - The sort order field controls the order in which the categories are displayed in the Category dropdown on the Sign Up, Search and Glossary modules. Enter a numeric number from 1 to 999.

    Category Name - Enter the listing category that you wish to add.

  3. Save Category Settings

    After filling out the Category Settings, click the Add New Category button to save the Category.

    If the Category was saved correctly the following message will be displayed:

    This completes the steps to add a new Category.

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