Subscriptions & Recurring Billing

Depending on the type of products and services you offer, you may have a need to charge recurring fees for things like software licenses, subscription services, etc. This article explains how to access and use Recurring Billing in RazorCart. 
From the Admin Menu in your DNN portal, select RazorCart admin console:
You will be taken to the dashboard of your store. 
Select the Products tab under Inventory on the left hand side.
You will see the following screen:
Then, click the edit button for the product you wish to configure recurring billing for.
On the Product Setup Screen, scroll down until you are at the Recurring Billing section. You will see the following screen:

Enable Recurring Billing - Check this box is you want to enable recurring billing for a particular product.

Subscription Interval – This dropdown box is where you configure the interval for recurring payments. The following recurring billing options are available:

  • Daily
  • Weekly
  • Every 2 Weeks
  • Monthly
  • Every 2 Months
  • Quarterly - Every 3 Months
  • Semi-Annual
  • Yearly

For example, if you choose monthly and the user purchases a product on 1/1/09, the first payment will be automatically billed on 1/1/09 at midnight. Their second payment will be billed on 2/1/09 and so on.

Total Occurrences - This setting only applies if you have checked the box for recurring billing above. Enter a numeric value for the number of times that you want the recurring billing to charge the customer’s credit card. Enter "12" to bill the customer’s card 12 times. Enter "9999" to have the recurring billing continue indefinitely.

Recurring Billing Start Date - The recurring billing start date allows you to configure how the recurring billing is started after a user successfully purchases a recurring billing product. The recurring billing start date is a radio button list with the following three options:

  • Immediately – Configures recurring billing to start on the date the product was purchased.
  • Defined Start Date – Allows you to select the month and day to start the recurring billing transaction.
  • Booking Start Date – Configures recurring billing to start on the booking date for the Booking product. 
Be sure to save your settings.
Now that you have setup a recurring billing product, the next step is to enable recurring billing in the payment setup screen.  Click here to go to payment setup and scroll down to the "Recurring Billing" section.
To view recurring billing email notifications click here.
You now have all of the tools you need to setup recurring billing with RazorCart! If you have any questions, please Contact Us.

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